The performance in the first three quarters plummeted."Big Bull Stock" was put on file by CSRC.In the news, on November 15, Funeng Oriental mentioned on the investor interaction platform that its subsidiary Chaoye Precision supplied Huawei with a small amount of lithium battery production equipment; On November 25th, the company revealed on the interactive platform of investors that Chaoye Precision produces solid-state battery equipment according to the demand of customers' orders. At present, this business accounts for a small proportion of the company's total business amount, which has no significant impact on the company's performance.
[What pants set what pants must have a reason! 】The performance in the first three quarters plummeted.Funeng Oriental said on the investor interaction platform on November 8 that the main business of Guangdong Funeng Big Data Industrial Park Construction Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, is IDC data storage and operation services, and does not involve the research and development of artificial intelligence.
In the news, on November 15, Funeng Oriental mentioned on the investor interaction platform that its subsidiary Chaoye Precision supplied Huawei with a small amount of lithium battery production equipment; On November 25th, the company revealed on the interactive platform of investors that Chaoye Precision produces solid-state battery equipment according to the demand of customers' orders. At present, this business accounts for a small proportion of the company's total business amount, which has no significant impact on the company's performance.[What pants set what pants must have a reason! 】